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Decoding Fertility Related Medical Abbreviations - Ovarium Conception

Decoding Fertility Related Medical Abbreviations

Decoding Common Medical Abbreviations

If you have ever said to yourself “What does that stand for” while reading a fertility support page or medical journal, this is the place for you. There are countless medical abbreviations used in different specialties, and many abbreviations have multiple meanings depending on the context. This creates a large volume of terms to remember, each with its own nuance. So unless you have worked in the healthcare field or have taken a medical terminology class, you should not feel guilty about not knowing every abbreviation. Here is a list of the most commonly used terms in women’s health, OB/GYN, and the fertility space for your ease of use. 

AMA = advanced maternal age

AMH = anti-Mullerian hormone

ART = Assisted Reproductive Technology

BD = baby dance (sex)

BBT = basal body temperature

CD  = cycle day 

CM = cervical mucus

DPO = days past ovulation

D&C = dilation & curettage 

Dx = diagnosis 

FET = frozen embryo transfer

FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone

hCG = Human chorionic gonadotropin

HPT = home pregnancy test

HRT = hormone replacement therapy 

HSG = hysterosalpingogram

ICI = intracervical insemination

IUI = Intrauterine insemination

IVF = In vitro fertilization

IVF/ET = In vitro fertilization / embryo transfer

LH = luteinizing hormone

LMP = last menstrual period

MFM = maternal fetal medicine

OPK = ovulation predictor kit

PCOS = polycystic ovarian syndrome

REI = reproductive endocrinology & infertility 

TTC = trying to conceive 

2WW = two week wait 

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