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Fertility Friendly Lubricant: What’s the Big Deal? - Ovarium Conception

Fertility Friendly Lubricant: What’s the Big Deal?

Once you are actively trying to get pregnant, you start to reevaluate everything you consume, inhale, and absorb in your body. If you weren’t obsessively reading ingredient labels beforehand - now you are busting out our magnifying glasses to read the fine print ingredients! For obvious reasons, knowing how safe a vaginal lubricant is should be at the top of your checklist. 

One of the ingredients that you want to steer clear of is glycerin. This may be a surprise to many as it is typically found in water-based lubricants because it’s what helps reduce friction, retain moisture, and allows that “slippery” sensation we have all come to know and love. However, research has shown that glycerin can actually be damaging to sperm, and can impact its vitality and motility. So if helping sperm get to where they need to be was an issue you are concerned with - make sure you are using a sperm-friendly lubricant! 

You might be thinking, “I don’t need lubricant, saliva has always worked for us!” And while that's all good and well, there is *some* research that suggests that high concentrations of saliva can impair sperm motility in men with known decreased sperm count. This is likely due to the antimicrobial properties of saliva along with its slightly more acidic properties compared to sperm. It’s one of those things that requires more research and studies to confirm, but it’s always best to be informed of all options. 

FDA certified fertility-friendly lubricants differ from lubricants because they are specially tested to match the pH and viscosity of semen and cervical mucus. This creates a protective environment for sperm, allowing them to swim easily through the lubricant. They are also specially tested to ensure that they are safe and compatible with sperm, oocytes, and embryos. 

So, the wetter the better with your fertility-friendly lubricant and enjoy the intimacy. Wishing you all of the baby-dust on your conception journey!


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